
how to buy or sell shares

The process for trading Scantech shares is outlined below.

  1. Review the Low Volume Market Information
  2. Review the current Register of Sellers and Buyers and Trading History
  3. Register Your Interest to buy or sell Scantech shares
  4. If you are a Buyer or a Seller, you may request that Scantech provides you with any details of any Seller or of any Buyer. To request this information contact the Scantech's Chief Financial Officer
  5. Complete the transaction by completing a Standard Transfer Form and return it to the Registry

The matching, negotiation and execution of any transaction that occurs will take place between the Buyer and Seller without any involvement from Scantech. Settled transactions will be processed by Scantech share registry, Link Market Services Limited (Registry). Once the transaction has been processed by the Registry, the Company Secretary will then update the register of sellers and buyers.

The Registry’s details

C/- Link Market Services Limited
Locked Bag A14
Sydney South NSW 1235
Telephone: 1300 554 474
Facsimile: (02) 9287 0303
Website: in new window

If you have any queries, please contact Scantech Chief Executive Officer.

Valerie Steer
Chief Financial Officer/Company Secretary

Direct: +61 8 8375 1914
Mobile:  0408 343 781
Tel: +61 8 8350 0200
Fax: +61 8 8350 0188
Email :